Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Physiology: Open Access
Volume 7, Issue 3

Research Article

Barriers to Perform Early Screening and Practice of Breast Self-Examination among High Risk Young Adults

  • Jeyakeerthi S, Subbu Lakshmi M, Niranjana D, Rajajeyakumar M and Janitha

Research Article

Pharmacological Effects of Moringa oleifera (Lam.) Leaves Powder in the Treatment of Anaemia in Children Aged from 6 to 30 Months in Lissezoun in Central Benin

  • Houndji Bidossessi Victor Saturnin, Melila Mamatchi, Koukoubou Nago Eunice, Fagla Amoussou Balbine, Awaga Kwami Lumo, Ahoton Paul, Ahohuendo C. Bonaventure and Amouzou Kou’santa