Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Physiology: Open Access

Effect of Cytokinins on In vitro seed Germination and Changes in Chlorophyll and Soluble Protein Contents of Teak (Tectona grandis L.)


Author(s): Muhammad Akram and Faheem Aftab

Teak (Tectona grandis L.) is amongst the precious tropical trees produces luxurious wood items and metabolites of great medicinal value. However, teak growth is hampered due to high dormancy and poor viability of the seeds under the normal field conditions. Here we investigated the effect of various cytokinins on seed germination and growth under In vitro and ex vitro conditions of seedlings. Completely randomized design was used and data were analyzed to ascertain whether or not the tested cytokinins can improve seed germination and growth of the teak plants. Seeds were cultured on MS medium supplemented with various concentrations (0.08, 0.22, 0.35, 0.80, 2.20 or 3.50 μM) of adenine sulphate (ADS), N6-benzyleadenine (BA), kinetin (KIN), thidiazuron (TDZ), and zeatin (ZEA) under In vitro conditions for 40 days. Highest (100%) germination was obtained at 0.22 μM BA with 4.41 cm shoot and 4.67 cm root lengths as well as 75.32% highest seedling’s survival was observed in glasshouse. TDZ inhibited seedling’s growth and induced hyperhydricity (16.36–35.36%). Improved growth of seedlings in both conditions may be linked with enhanced production of chlorophyll (Chl) both In vitro (1.86 Chl a, 1.30 Chl b mg/g FW) and in acclimatized seedlings (1.91 Chl a, 1.70 Chl b mg/g FW) at 0.22 μM BA. The same concentration of BA also produced highest soluble proteins in In vitro (7.52 mg/g FW) and acclimatized seedlings (8.88 mg/g FW). Under specific tissue culture conditions, seed germination and subsequent growth of teak seedlings can be improved with BA.