Nigerian Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

Biochemistry & Physiology: Open Access

Comparative Study of Intraorganelle Nanoporation among Osteoblast and Bone Cancer Cell in 3D Advanced Microchip


Author(s): S Sarkar

In this research, the comparison study of intraorganelle nanoporation and ion uptake of osteoblast and tumor cells has been studied under the influences of specific programmable of picopulse generator and specific microchip. By using the MATLAB and COMSOL, the difference in responses of the normal and tumor cells for a given input picopulse are elucidated. A comparison of the induced intraorganelle potential, current, pressure, surface tension, pore density and ion uptake of the tumor cells against normal cells have been studied and it is shown that nearly 40% increase of nanoporation is observed in the tumor cell compared to the normal cell for a dedicated picopulse in 3D advanced micro chip and it is control by external user and the threshold pulse duration is 10-12 and 10-15 for normal cell and cancer cell respectively.